United Way office target of break-and-enter

Posted on: December 11th, 2013

On Dec. 11, in the early morning hours, the Lethbridge United Way office was the target of a break-and-enter and cash was stolen.
United Way staff immediately alerted Lethbridge Regional Police Service, which is currently handling the situation.
While saddened by this event, United Way staff remains committed to the organization’s mission and services. We strongly encourage friends, neighbours and local businesses to ensure that their homes, vehicles and workplaces are secure this holiday season and beyond.
If you have any information about this occurrence or any other crime in our community, please contact LRPS on the non-emergency line at 403-328-4444 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477.
If you have other questions or concerns as to how this event affects our community, please contact the United Way at 403-327-1700.