
Now more than ever, your community needs you.

Build a healthy, caring, inclusive community by helping support people in need. Your generosity helps United Way invest in vital social service programs and services right in your community. All donations stay 100% LOCAL.

Build a healthy, caring, inclusive community by helping support people in need. Your generosity helps United Way invest in vital social service programs and services right in your community. All donations stay 100% LOCAL.


Now more than ever, your community needs you.

Build a healthy, caring, inclusive community by helping support people in need. Your generosity helps United Way invest in vital social service programs and services right in your community. All donations stay 100% LOCAL.

Build a healthy, caring, inclusive community by helping support people in need. Your generosity helps United Way invest in vital social service programs and services right in your community. All donations stay 100% LOCAL.

Show your local Love. Please donate today.

$30 donation
could help feed a baby for one month
$150 donation
donation could help support menstrual products for a person in need for one year
$300 donation
could help mental health support services for a family in rural Alberta for two months