LETHBRIDGE-United Way is once again inviting registered Canadian charities in Lethbridge and South Western Alberta to apply for funding to support programs for people and families in the 2019-2020 year.
Proposed programs will align with United Way’s visions of alleviating poverty; building healthy, inclusive communities, and encouraging positive child and youth development.
Over the past three years, United Way has provided grants to 30 different organizations across South Western Alberta. Collectively, the programs funded by United Way and its community donors help thousands of people each year.
In order to ensure that donor dollars are invested where they will have the greatest impact and address the most urgent needs, a team of community volunteers assists with the evaluation and review process.
Organizations wishing to apply for funds can find forms and eligibility information at www.lethbridgeunitedway.ca/funding . The deadline to apply is March 29, 2019.
Communiy members interested in taking part in the evaluation process can express their interest by submitting a resume and references to together@lethbridgeunitedway.ca.