United Way Gears Up for 2022 Community Fundraising Campaign

Posted on: September 1st, 2022

Event Date: Monday, September 12, 2022 – 10:00am
Event Location: Lethbridge City Hall (910 – 4 Ave. S. Lethbridge)
LETHBRIDGE-Lethbridge is known for being giving, and that’s something to celebrate. As the local United Way prepares to kick off its 2022 Community Fundraising Campaign on September 12, all the focus will be on working together to create positive change.
New United Way Executive Director Jaci Zalesak explains that the pandemic and rising costs of living have made things challenging for everyone.
“The rate of low income in Lethbridge is about 12 per cent right now,” said Zalesak. “And while we don’t know the full impact of the last couple of years, we do know that when people are struggling, it’s most often a nonprofit program or service they’ll turn to.”
Since 1941, United Way has organized a community-wide fundraising campaign to raise funds to invest in local programs and community organizations which help people and families to thrive. The organization was created in the first place to save time and money by encouraging everyone to work together and avoid duplicating services.
Zalesak doesn’t mince words when she explains the purpose of the campaign.
“Consider our food banks, crisis lines, or youth mentoring organizations. These are important services, and we need to make sure they’re in the best position to help,” she said. “Our job is to raise the funds so their staff can focus on what matters most, which is helping people.”
“The old saying goes that many hands make light work,” she adds. “and it’s the same thing here. If everyone gives a little bit, we can make a bigger difference together.”
Members of the public are invited to join the United Way team on Monday, September 12 at 10:00am at Lethbridge City Hall to raise the United Way flag, and officially open the 2022 Community Fundraising Campaign.
Local businesses and individuals interested in joining the campaign can make one-time or repeated donation by mail, in person, or online.  For information about starting a United Way campaign in the workplace, contact the United Way office.
For more information, please contact United Way at 403-327-1700 or visit lethbridgeunitedway.ca.