United Way encourages residents to embrace Last Minute Lethbridge phenomenon

Posted on: November 28th, 2017

For the second year in a row, the United Way of Lethbridge & South Western Alberta is counting down the minutes until 11:59pm on December 31 – the last possible minute to make a donation eligible for a 2017 tax receipt.
With a goal of $50,000, United Way’s Last Minute Lethbridge campaign runs the entire month of December. The campaign challenges people to embrace the trait that Lethbridge is famously (or infamously) known for, which is getting things done at the last possible minute.
“Last year, this campaign ran with just 15 days left in December. We hit almost 30% of our $50,000 goal,” said United Way board chair Maureen Burke, “And those funds were a big part of the reason we were able to increase grants to local organizations this year.”
Burke explains that the need community service organizations face does not stop after the holiday season. 
“Each year, we get requests for funding that amount to about half a million dollars, sometimes much more. We need to make sure people in the community have support and resources to rely on throughout the year, not just during the holidays.”
In 2017-2018 United Way’s Community Fund is supporting 22 programs at 19 different organizations in Lethbridge and across South Western Alberta. They include food access programs, advocacy and supports for people with disabilities, mentorship and positive child development and many more.
“The Community Fund is built through donations from individuals and businesses that we work with,” said Burke. “The advantage in donating to the Community Fund is that with the help of a team of volunteers, we identify where the needs are, and make sure that those donations are invested in organizations and programs that really make a difference in people’s lives.
“The Community Fund is the easiest way to support many organizations with one simple donation. These last-minute gifts keep on giving, the whole year long.”
Donations to the Last Minute Lethbridge campaign can be made online at www.lethbridgeunitedway.ca and must be completed before midnight on New Year’s Eve to receive a 2017 tax receipt.
Donations can also be made in person until noon on December 22, 2017, or sent by mail to United Way of Lethbridge & South Western Alberta  1277 – 3 Ave. S. Lethbridge, AB   T1J 0K3.